Katalog ebook Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Business Intelligence
Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Business Intelligence By:Indra Kharisma Raharjana,Badrus Zaman,Eva Hariyanti,Faried Effendy,Ira Puspitasari,Nasa Zata Dina,Purbandini,Ary Mazharuddin Shiddiqi,Daniel Oranova Siahaan,Erick Fernando,Javad Khamisabadi,Lanto Ningrayati Amali,Mujiono Sadikin,Nur Aini Rakhmawati,Rimuljo Hendradi,Tanty Oktavia,Ummi Azizah Rachmawati Published on 2017-04-03 by Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Business Intelligence Journal of Information System Engineering and Business Intelligence (JISEBI) focuses on Information System Engineering and its implementation, Business Intelligence, and its application. JISEBI is an international, peer review, electronic, and open access journal. JISEBI is seeking an original and high-quality manuscript. Information System Engineering is a multidisciplinary approach to all activities in the development and management of information system aiming to achieve organization goals. Business Intelligence (BI) foc...